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Get inspired by focus.

In addition to full training programs, we offer inspiration sessions: short sessions for large groups. Our speakers provide a quick overview of key insights and challenges within the theme. A fun and accessible way to inspire your entire team or organization!

The Focus ON/OFF inspiration session is a fun and accessible way to gain insight into the importance of focus. In an interactive setting, we discuss recent research and insights on concentration and attention, as well as the challenges in this field.

Using the Flow Curve, we explain attention residue, a concept from neuropsychology. We will then dig deeper into the question: What is the impact of distraction?

With the increasing number of stimuli, distraction is becoming a broader social issue. We won’t solve this in an hour, but we can take the first step towards awareness. By sharing knowledge and insights on attention and concentration, we aim to inspire people to improve their focus.

“In today’s world, it’s not about time management, but focus management”

Duration: 45 minutes + 15 minutes Q&A.
Language: Dutch or English.
Number of Participants: Unlimited.

We have more and more freedom to plan our workweek, better communication tools, but also have increasing restlessness and rising burnout rates. What’s going wrong? The solution isn’t in individual tips and habits, but in an integral approach to redesigning our work rhythm: a new focus routine.

In this inspiring and interactive session, we explore the key question: How do you integrate focus into your work rhythm?

We will discuss the brain’s natural flow and key themes that influence our work rhythm, supported by scientific insights and practical examples.

“It’s not about adding new habits.
It’s about designing a complete routine.”

Duration: 45 minutes + 15 minutes Q&A.
Language: Dutch or English.
Number of Participants: Unlimited.

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