Introductory Training Course
In this free introductory training course, we take the first step towards counteracting distraction. In three short videos you will see how distraction works in the brain and discover where it goes wrong. Then you will check your own situation with the Focus Quick Scan, and find out what you can do to get a better grip on your focus.
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Video 1: Switch and you’re out
A small question from a colleague while you’re working, what does that do to your flow? Like snow before the sun, the connections in our heads disappear. Sometimes we have no idea what we were doing before. In this video you will discover, using the Flow Curve, how time, productivity and effort relate to each other.
Video 2: The secret price tag of disruption
What impact do interruptions have on our work and lives? When we switch our attention, we pay a price. We waste more time, make more mistakes and experience more stress. In this video we walk through the effects step by step and dive into the depths of things without interruption.
Video 3: How to get a grip on focus?
What is the purpose of focus and why does our brain switch with its attention? In this video Mark Tigchelaar and Oscar de Bos outline their mission for more focus and less distraction: Focus Management.
Focus Quick Scan
With the theory in your pocket, it's time for practice. Which concentration leaks are relevant for me? Answer this crucial question by doing the Focus Quick Scan. Within a few minutes you will have an insight into your own focus.